[:en]How Add Languages and Switch Between Languages In Mac OS[:ar]طريقة اضافة لغة وكيفية التغيير بين اللغات في نظام الماك[:]



This Video will show you: A step-by-step description of what to do to Add Languages and Switch Between Languages In Mac OS follow this steps:

Step 1. Click on “Apple Logo”, and then click on “System Preferences”

Step 2. In “System Preferences”; click on the “Keyboard” icon.

Step 3. In “Keyboard” tab; click on the “Input Sources” Bottom.

Step 4. Scroll down using the bar on the right, and when you have found your desired language, click on the check box on the left to activate it.

Step 5. Back to “Keyboard tab”

Step 6. In “Keyboard” tab; click on the “Keyboard Shortcuts” tab

Step 7. Click on the Keyboard & Text Input

Step 8. Check Select next source in input menu

Step 9. The Default Keys to Switch Between Languages is “Command+Space”.

Step 10. Now you should see the changes.[:ar]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=amE4T6jKbVY


هذا الفيديو يشرح خطوه بخطوه اضافة لغة وكيفية التغيير بين اللغات في نظام الماك


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