[:en]How to Find Freelance Jobs on LinkedIn (in Less Than 10 Seconds)[:ar]”لينكدإن”: كيف تعثر على عمل مستقل في 10 ثوانٍ[:]
[:en]I see a lot of people posting job opportunities for freelancers on LinkedIn all the time, while I also, conversely, see a lot of freelancers putting out calls for work. But both often completely miss each other because they’re in each others’ networks.
In the example above, you can see how there are opportunities that are being missed, on both sides – which, for freelancers, means they’re missing out on potential work simply by not knowing about it, even though both parties are seeking the same outcome.
To connect those looking for freelancers with people searching for freelance jobs, here are a few steps you, as a freelancer, can take to find relevant projects:
Step 1. Type in your keywords in the search box
Use Boolean search logic to narrow down your search results and get the right freelance job you’re looking for.
For example, I use variations of the following:
“freelance writer”
“freelance writer” OR “freelance copywriter”
“freelance copy editor”
“freelance editor” NOT video
“freelance editor” NOT photo
“freelance editor” NOT (video OR photo)
You should know your keywords. Play around them and use the right search operators. You could also consider adding in your desired location (e.g., “freelance writer” AND (New York OR NY), to further hone in your search results.
Step 2. Select the ‘Content’ tab to filter the results
Your initial results will include will all the varying types of posts, including articles and short posts which include the keywords you typed in.
In my experience, many of the results are short posts from LinkedIn members looking to hire people, specifically freelancers.
Step 3. Sort out the content according to the LATEST results
The default option here is ‘Relevance’ so if you don’t sort them by the ‘Latest’ content, you’ll see results which were posted months, or even a year ago. Of course, by this time, such positions are likely no longer available.
Here are a few sample search results I got as of the time of writing this article:
Keywords: “freelance writer”
If you’re a freelance web developer, here are a few sample search results using the keywords “freelance web developer”:
Once you’ve found the right freelance job for you, should you apply now?
Wait – not yet. Before you apply, check if your LinkedIn profile is complete and optimized.
Since you’ve found the job opportunity on LinkedIn, the user who posted that content will almost definitely check out your LinkedIn profile. Given this, you can increase your chances of getting the job if, when they head over to your profile, they see exactly what they’re looking for.
You can continually optimize your profile to fit the requirements of each job you’d like to apply for.
Final Reminder: Build a scalable LinkedIn marketing strategy that works for you 24/7
Although this search strategy could help you quickly find freelance projects through content search, I don’t recommend relying on this long-term.
If you’re a freelancer based in the US, you should also leverage ProFinder, LinkedIn’s exclusive platform for US-based freelancers.
Regardless of your location, however, your best option if you want a steady stream of freelance projects is to build your personal brand on LinkedIn. Optimize your profile, grow your network and build relationships – all of these elements will help guarantee that you’re found by the right opportunity at the right time.
Build a scalable LinkedIn marketing strategy that works for you 24/7. Your goal should be to get found by your ideal prospects even while you sleep.
Source: socialmediatoday.com[:ar]

الخطوة1: استخدام الكلمات الرئيسية بذكاء
من الأفضل استخدام طريقة Boolean search في محرك بحث “لينكدإن”، ونعني بهذه الطريقة دمج الكلمات الرئيسية مع عوامل التشغيل، مثل AND وNOT وOR، لتقديم المزيد من النتائج ذات الصلة.
على سبيل المثال، يمكن أن يكون البحث المنطقي “hotel” و”New York”. سيحد هذا من نتائج البحث في تلك التي تحوي الكلمتين الرئيسيتين فقط.
لكن في المقابل سوف تحصلون على نتائج أدق عند استخدام علامة الاقتباسات مثل “مسؤول الشبكة”، أو الأقواس مثل (الشبكة)، أو AND مثل network AND administrator، أو OR مثل administrator OR architect أو NOT مثل administrator NOT manager.
وفي عمليات البحث في “لينكدإن” يمكن استخدام أمثلة من الصيغ التالية:
“freelance writer”
“freelance writer” OR “freelance copywriter”
“freelance copy editor”
“freelance editor” NOT video
“freelance editor” NOT photo
“freelance editor” NOT (video OR photo)
ويمكن إضافة مكان العمل مثل (freelance writer AND (New York OR NY
خطوة2: اختيار Content لتصفية النتائج
ستشمل النتائج الأولية جميع أنواع المشاركات المختلفة، بما في ذلك المقالات والمشاركات القصيرة التي تتضمن الكلمات الرئيسية التي كتبتها. أغلب المنشورات تكون بحثاً عن مستقلين.
الخطوة 3. فرز المحتوى وفق الأحدث
تظهر النتائج التقليدية وفق خيار Relevance، وإذا لم يتم تحويله إلى خيار Latest فسوف تظهر أمامك نتائج تعود لشهور أو سنة، والتي ربما لم تعد متاحة الآن.