[:en]How to Fix ERROR 0x00000709[:ar]حل مشكلة الخطا 0x00000709[:]



How to Fix Printer Error “Operation Could not be Completed (ERROR 0x00000709)”

If you are trying to set your default printer and suddenly you get an error that “Operation could not be completed (error 0x00000709) double check the printer name and make sure that the printer is connected to the network”. In such case, you can’t set your default printer, Error 0x00000709 occurs when printing permission gets revoked from the windows registry by any malware or conflicting program.

To know How to Fix Error 0x00000709 follow these simple steps or watch the video.


Note: This fix is applicable for Windows 7, Windows 8/8.1 and Windows 10.


1-  Press Windows + R key together and you will get the run box, type “regedit” then click OK or click on start then type in search “regedit” then click on it

2-  Registry Editor appear.

3-Now navigate to


4- Double-click on Device. Type in your printer name. (The screen shot here is an example only.) in Value data:

5– Click OK to save the change.


Note: If you encounter this sort of error “Cannot edit Device: Error writing the value’s new contents“, please follow the steps below to set the permission of the key.

  1. a) Right-click on Windows key on the left side of the panel and then click on Permissions….
  2. b) Tick the box Allow for Full Control and Read, then click Apply and click OK to save the change.


4) Right-click UserSelectDefault and click Rename to rename it as your printer name.


There you go! You should be able to set up your default printer now!


Step 3.  Once you expanded the folder tree in registry editor Right click on Windows folder and click on Permissions.

Step 4. Once you click on Permissions options you will get a dialog box “Permissions for windows” Here check the Full Control under Allow option, Hit Apply and ok.


Now close registry editor and Restart your Computer, after Restart you will not get error 0x00000709 again, you will be able to set your default printers and can print any document from any software[:ar]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hIAQxBypUv8

حل رسالة الخطأ Operation could not be completed error 0x00000709 في الويندوز

حل مشكلة الخطأ Operation could not be completed error 0x00000709 عند تعيين الطابعة كافتراضي

يصادفك احياناً عند تثبيت طابعة وربطها مع الكمبيوتر وتعينها كطابعة افتراضي تظهر لك رسالة الخطأ الشائعة التالية Operation could not be completed error 0x00000709


ولحل مشكلة الخطأ الذي يظهر شاهد الفيديو او اتبع الخطوات البسيطة التالية :

  1. اضغط على ازرار win + R لاظهار التشغيل RUN او اضغط على ابدأ ومن ثم في خانة البحث اكتب regedit
  2. اكتب الاختصار regedit للدخول الى الرجستري
  3. سوف يظهر لك محرر الريجستري
  4. اتبع المسار التالي

HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows NT \ CurrentVersion \ Windows

  1. اضغط نقره مزدوجه على Device واكتب اسم الطابعة الخاص بك في خانة in Value data
  2. اضغط على OK

اذا ظهر لك الخطأ التالي “Cannot edit Device: Error writing the value’s new contents“

اتبع الخطوات التالية:

  • اضغط بالزر الايمن على Windows و اختر Permissions
  • حدد everyone ثم فعل خيار Full Control و Read
  • اضغط على OK

وبهذه الطريقة تخلصت من رسائل الخطأ اثناء ربط الطابعات مع الويندوز او تعيين الطابعة كافتراضي للويندوز default printer


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